23 June, 2001

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A copy of the Dedication Program, with all pages.


Several local and distant visitors for this special day.

Commander John D. Larson

If you look at the background of the black & white photograph
of Lt. Wolf on the home page,
you will notice a sloping stone wall.
Here is that same wall, almost 50 years later,
with Lt. Michael Frederick Wolf's nephew, Michael James Wolf
at about the same spot.

The bridge from the north-east shore. Then from on the bridge,
looking north up Little Pine Creek, then south towards the railroad bridge.

Finally the rain cleared enough for the ceremonies to move outside to the bridge.
A 21-Gun salute followed by the playing of TAPS on the bridge.
Frank Perkowski, one of the many dedicated residents that made this event happen.

A personal parting thought...


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If you happen to have any information concerning
Michael F. Wolf, 
please contact me
Steven L. Bonnell (


page by: Steven L. Bonnell (
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