Point de Repere -
Montoursville + Flight 800
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Point de Repere: French for 'Point of Reference' . . .
There are several pictures included, so please be patient.
There are more and
more pictures after 'the end' -
so that they will load while you read . . .!
Tuesday, 17 July, 2001 - 5 Years
Saturday, 17 July, 1999
" ... In an instant, life changed forever. ..."
A portion of the inscription
from the Flight 800 Memorial.
21 trees
planted 21 feet apart
in an endless circle.
The Montoursville Memorial Gardens.
+ a WEEK
+ a DAY;
Monday, 25 August, 1997
- the first senior class has graduated from Montoursville High School,
minus a few students
- no one is sure WHAT was the cause of the crash
- all the bodies were recovered - which is really amazing
- and it's still hard to believe that it actually happened ...
( the original page follows ... )
Thursday, 18 July, 1996 4:45 AM
Just a little over six hours ago, while my wife and I were watching ABC's "Prime Time Live",
the program was interrupted with a Special Report . It was news about the
crash of TWA's Flight 800 just south of Long Island, New York, at about 8:40 PM.
The crash, with the possible death count of 212 passengers and 17 crew members
(32 by one count)
- along with the speculation of a possible "bomb" aboard - was a shock of reality.
Of course we felt bad for victims of the accident, but little did we know how
close to home
this fell.
The reports by Peter Jennings and ABC News, trying to provide information
from some call-in "witnesses", could not, understandably, provide
many details. There were even reasons not to take all of what we heard too seriously -
common problems in such a live coverage situation.
At shortly after 11:00 PM, I turned off TV to get some sleep.
At about 2:30 AM, I woke up hearing noises from my youngest son - still watching TV!
When I went into the living room to see what was going on, he told me the
close to home news:
"Twenty-one people from our home town, Montoursville, PA, where planning on
being on that flight: 16 students and 5 chaperones of the Montoursville High School
French Club! "
This has NOT been confirmed as true, yet (5:22 AM), but things don't sound hopeful.
Thursday, 18 July, 1996 5:30 PM
I'm now home from work and have found that the WORST is true -
the 21 people have been confirmed to have boarded the plane..
There will be a
Special Service tonight at the Montoursville High School at 8:00 PM.
Also, there are two special funds that have been established for the Montoursville Area:
Montoursville Flight 800 FAMILY RELIEF FUND
Montoursville Flight 800 MEMORIAL FUND
- use the following for both funds, and IDENTIFY which fund -
CoreStates Financial Corp.
Commonwealth Bank - Montoursville Branch
P.O. Box 8
Montoursville, PA 17754
(717) 368 - 8101
There is heavy talk about a possible "missle" attack on the plane . . . !
The few names I've heard are shocking to me - friends and neighbors!
My kids' friends, my wife's friends.
(I have three sons - two have graduated from Montoursville High - one is still attending.
My wife was the president of the PTO during some of their grade school years. My wife and
children were probably closer to most of these people than I . . .)
Friday, 19 July, 1996 6:40 AM
If you are interested in reading or sending E-MAIL
to Montoursville, please visit:
(** update note: PenNet is no longer is business **)
you can try these other flight 800 links**)
The local Montoursville ISP,
PenNet or
click here to send a condolence message to Montoursville via PenNet
which be forwarded to the Montoursville High School.
Friday, 19 July, 1996 4:45 PM
. . . and, at last, the NAMES have been officially released.
Tonight however, for some reason,
I feel the need to keep it a family night - so I'll not spend time with the computer
but place the names on this page tomorrow.
Saturday, 20 July, 1996 6:00 AM
The NAMES of the 21 people
from the Montoursville area are:
Our chaperones:
Deborah Dickey, our French teacher,
and her husband, Douglas Dickey;
Carol Fry,
our former school board member;
Judy Rupert, our high school secretary;
Eleanor Wolfson,
parent of a student.
Our students:
Jessica Aikey '97
Daniel Baszczewski '96
Michelle Bohlin '98
Jordon Bower '97
Monica Cox '98
Claire Gallagher '99
Julia Grimm '99
Rance Hettler '96
Amanda Karschner '97
Jody Loudenslager '96
Cheryl Nibert '98
Kimberly Rogers '97
Larissa Uzupis '98
Jacquelin Watson '96
Monica Weaver '97
Wendey Wolfson '97.
Wednesday, 28 Aug, 1996 5:50 PM
Finally, the last of the 21 bodies has been identified and will be returned home to Montoursville.
'Thank You' to all the Coast Guard, Navy, New York State Police, and
everyone else
who was involved with the recovery effort. I'm sure we'll never know of all the people that helped
nor all the sacrifices you
went through to just 'do your job', plus all the extra effort to do 'more than expected'.
Your efforts are appreciated.
Please visit often . . . I would like to include
more information on each person and I do not want to duplicate information
that can be found at other sources - just the special information that friends and family
may want publicly displayed.
This is not meant to ignore the other people who lost their lives on this flight.
Out of the 230 fatalities, 17 were crew members and 213 were passengers . . .
and we all realize the loss to each and every family, the world over.
If you feel you've missed something,
jump back to the top.
Montoursville HS info,
other flight 800 links,
page by: Steve Bonnell
( slbnl@kbsb.com)
<- from http://www.kbsb.com/flt800/ ->
<- File: 010717_flt800-index.htm =
. . . Latest Update:
<- Point de Repere = point of reference ->
- More pictures I -
The High School has large yellow "We Will Miss You" papers lining some hallways for
people to write down a special message . . .
The high school baseball field . . . E-mail and Snail-mail messages line other hallways.
- More pictures II -
. . . and, soon to be Sweet 16 . . .
Monday's Sunrise - 22 July 1996, about 5:45 AM -
They're all up there somewhere . . .
Jump back to the top.